Fact-Checking Misinformation – Workshop

Instructor: Divya Chandra
Language: English


Anybody can fall for misinformation.

IS THAT RIGHT? Each time you come across a piece of information, take time to think and question whether it looks suspicious, old, or unbelievable. Every fact should be backed by data available in the public domain that many aren’t aware of or don’t access to find out whether the information they’re consuming is true or not.

In today’s internet era, it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish between what is credible or trustworthy and what’s not. Why is Fact-checking important – Because people form opinions based on the information they consume and if that information is misinformation, it leads to formation of uninformed opinions. This, in turn, can lead to making wrong decisions and can have uncontrollable consequences.

To learn the best practices for fact-checking and train yourself to verify images, videos, geolocating visuals and much more, IndiaSpend, BOOM & FactChecker are offering a workshop specially designed for journalists, journalism students, researchers, academicians, and anyone who is interested in fighting misinformation. If you are someone who is interested in learning how to fact-check information using the available tools and techniques, do not miss this opportunity.
  • All participants must bring their own laptop for use during this workshop and it must be WiFi ready.
  • It’s a Beginner’s level workshop. No previous experience is required.
  • Participants must be comfortable with technical subjects and learning in a fast-paced environment.
Workshop Date:
26th March 2022 (Saturday)
Workshop Time:
11 am to 1 pm
Workshop Place:
Online – ZOOM (Link will be mailed to the participants)
Entry fee
Rs 700

Divya Chandra is a Producer, Workshops, and Training at BOOM FactCheck. Previously, she was Correspondent-Fact Check at The Quint and had been actively debunking online misinformation. She did her Masters in Journalism from Symbiosis Institute of Media & Communication, Pune and bachelor in Engineering from PESIT, Bangalore.

At IndiaSpend, we believe data is crucial for public discourse on important policy issues, and our stories strive to foster data-led discussion and analysis at a time when citizens are becoming an active part of the governance process.

About LDV

Live Data Visualisation Private Ltd (LDV) is a for-profit entity headquartered in Mumbai, India. LDV’s primary activity is to provide access to evidence-based and data-backed information for journalistic and academic purposes.

About ISDJ

IndiaSpend School of Data Journalism (ISDJ) is a learning and upskilling platform that collaborates with industry experts on a variety of subjects to build open online courses. Participants register for these courses and upon completion, secure an online certification.